Friday, December 12, 2008


Well it's finally and AJ finally got ENGAGED!!!! We have been together for what seems like forever...but we are extremely excited!!! We haven't set any date as of yet...we are just trying to save up some money before we start the far we have decided on 2 years...but I will keep you updated!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Newest member of the Family!!!!

I am happy to introduce you to our newest family member...Jacob Michael DuBrink!!! He was born yesterday...9lbs.8ouces and 21 inches long...He's beautiful and Heath was such a trooper!!! I am sooo proud of my big sis!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Apartment New Start!!!

So for those of you who don't know I moved over the summer and things have just been chaotic since then..between work, takin care of Daphne, spendin time with the family, the girls, and AJ it's been an action packed's almost over which can only mean FOOTBALL season!!!! I love football season!!!! the only bad part is that it makes me miss cheerleading:( Through all the chaos that has been my life my family is about to get 2 new additions which I'm excited about!!! Heatho and Kurt found out that they are having a boy(no name has been decided on as of yet) and Meggie is prego(don't know the sex yet) so we have our hands mommy is about to be a grandmom of 4 and I'm going to be an aunt again!!!! So the fam is ready for all these new adventures...I'm looking forward to just getting away on my cruise with Ambre and Sarah...that should be lots of fun and I think we all need to just get away!!! Besides that things in my life are starting to fall into place!!! Within a year I should be a certified teacher which is extremely exciting for me...and I can't wait to finally settle down in a school and have my own class!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Been Meaning to Blog!!!

Ok so ALOT has been going on, and I just didn't have the time to blog...not that you are all dying to know what's going on..Well anyway,so the reasons that I've been so busy are that I just moved into a new apartment...and might I add that I hate moving, and if I ever have to do it again then I'm paying someone to do it!! Then there's Daphne...she has been occupying ALOT of my time..but she's gettin sooo big, and today was her first day of puppy school...I know I know school for a dog, but I realized I know nothing about raising a puppy so I decided that we both need to learn. Her teacher was in love when she saw is everyone else..The biggest news of all is that in December I'm going to have a beautiful new nephew!!!! Yeah that's right Heatho is havin a boy and FINALLY adding to the DuBrink clan!!! I'm so excited and can't wait to go shopping!!!! Well that's about it from me!!!! I will try to blog more often!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My baby Daphne!!!!

I got a new puppy and I love her already...she's a 6 week old bulldog...enjoy the pics!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Debbie's Going Away Party!!!

Ok while everyone else was getting stuck in a storm(I guess I should have watched the news) I was drivin to South Jersey to celebrate Debbie's last day in Jersey for some time at Adelphias...oh how I miss my girls in Jersey!!! I was sooo happy that I could make it to see her before she left....and I miss her ALOT!!! I'm just hopin that she comes home soon...I know that Esther is here's some pics for you guys to enjoy!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fun Times with all my ladies<3

What a great night!!! Ok at first I thought it would be a little girls from high school meeting up with my girls from college and then throwing AJ in the mix...but turns out everyone had a great time!!!! Well then again how can you not when alcohol is was sooo nice seeing Esther again I forgot how much fun she is and made me realize that after all this time it's like she never left my life...I guess that's what having a true best friend feels like....and then let's not forget Debbie who was the life of the party!!!! She was all over the just brought me back to high school, she was my partner in crime whenever Esther didn't wanna get into trouble...then AJ, Sarah, and's so nice that my oldest friends in the world got along so great with AJ and the girls!!! Overall it was a great night, however the highlight of the night had to be when my big sister Anne leaped on my back and tackled me to the ground like a football player over a damn tampon!!! I will never forget that probably because my hip is hurting this morning from falling on my knees and face first down on the ground like I was being arrested...but hey noone can say that they have a cooler sister that me!!!! She tackles you for a tampon and can "get low" who else can say that about their sister??? Don't wanna forget my baby sister Meggie, I hope that you had a great birthday!!!!

*Finally, I ask that you all put Debbie in your prayers because she's leaving for Iraq in June...the Navedo family has part of my family for the longest time and I know that they will be in my families prayers, but I just ask that you all pray for her safe return...and keep her family and son in your thoughts*